CJ Fravel

Data Engineer


Led migration from old USQL based stack to new contract driven Spark based workload running in Azure Synapse and integrating with Azure Purview. New platform is responsible for aggregating, transforming and delivering 2+ TB of financial data monthly that represents $110 billion revenue. New system is responsible for an on average 8x E2E time improvement while only costing 1/5th the old platform.

Worked on a big data engineering team to move an existing big data platform from the commercial space to a secure federal environment.

Lead Developer on Microsoft funded POC for Air Force Test Center POC demonstrating how using modern technologies like Azure Storage, Azure Data Lake, Data Factory, and Jupyter notebooks can streamline processes and enable access and analytics to traditionally siloed data across test wings.

Technical Team Lead for Data Integration Platform allowing upload of data into a secure cloud environment and automatic processing pipelines to visualization with PowerBI.

Function App development to integrate with Azure Data Factory V2, Storage, Data Lake V2, and Sql Server

Front end development of teacher app as PWA (desktop and mobile) for Music Together

  • JavaScript (ES6), Angular 7, Ionic 4

Full stack development and deployment of website to log, calculate, and present results from Parkinson's patient measurements from custom wristband and mobile app for Bertec ArmSense.

  • .NET Core, JavaScript, JWT tokens, Angular 5, MariaDB, Azure

Full stack development of website to track emissions from fuel tanks for GT Environmental

  • .NET Core, JavaScript, Angular 5, MongoDB, Azure, xUnit

Full stack development of portal to track innovations and acquisition targets for Singularity University

  • PHP, Slim, NOSQL, Twig, React, Phinx

Full stack development of lighting agency project management portal for Your Lighting Brand

  • Lead development on new Connect feature opening up application for agencies to connect to their clients.
  • Ruby on Rails, Postgres, React

Full stack development of project management system for Aler Stallings and Golden Reserve

  • Large refactoring of existing Web Forms application to increase stability, performance, and move to modern web standards including the transition to a services based architecture with a React frontend for new/rebuilt features.
  • .NET Web Forms, .NET Web API, React, Linq2SQL, SQL Server


  • Deployment and management of all 3rd party systems and on-site servers
  • Develop integration between various new and legacy systems
  • Develop internal applications for monitoring remote locations
  • Develop centralized data collection forms to feed internal reporting system
  • Develop custom internal reports

Technologies: C#, Java, JavaScript, Hyper-V, SQL Server (2005, 2012), SSRS, R:Base, Access 97

Education and Certifications

Dayton, OH, US

Bachelor’s degree in computer science

Learn to effectively and efficiently develop software and analyze programs to create packages that meet specifications. As well as develop familiarity with various packages to be used in the real world.

June 2019 – June 2022

March 2021 – March 2023

Highly skilled hands-on full stack software development professional with a focus in Data Engineering and a big proponent of agile, scrum, CI/CD, testing, and code quality/clean code
  • Apache Spark
  • Azure: Synapse, Functions, Data Factory, Data Lake, Databricks
  • .NET technologies: .NET Core APIs
  • Web technologies: JavaScript, ES6, React, Angular
  • Server side technologies: C#, Rails, PHP, Express
  • DB technologies: various RDBMSs, Mongo
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